Escape Art d.o.o.

Company information

Identification Number: 80242993618
MBS: 081023592
Headquarters: Zagreb (City of Zagreb), Ljudevita Gaja 51
Basic capital: HRK 20,000.00 paid in full
Business bank: PBZ d.d.
IBAN: HR2123400091110782547
The company is registered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number Tt-20/15519-2

How to reach us?

A 10-minute easy walk from the main square of Ban Josip Jelačić. Take a walk past Zrinjevac Park and you're already on Branimirova Street. We are located next to the western entrance to the Branimir Center


If you come by car, there are parking spaces in the first zone in all surrounding streets, including several spaces in front of the building itself.

The tram

There are lots of trams around us: numbers 4, 8, and 13 stand in front of the building at the "Sheraton" station, and numbers 2, 6, and 9 at Branimirova.

Underground garages

If you were unlucky with street parking, two underground garages are located in the immediate vicinity - the garage of the Sheraton hotel in Trpimirova street, or the garage of the Branimir center a little further down the same street.

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